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its a line that is vertical and a symmetry

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Q: What is the definition of Vertical line symmetry?
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Line of symmetry for the letter A?

It has one line of vertical symmetry

Does a heart have a line of symmetry?

Yes, it has a vertical symmetry line.

Does the number eight have a vertical line of symmetry?

yes the number 8 has a vertical line of symmetry. and depending on how you draw it also a horizontal line of symmetry.

How many letters have a line of symmetry?

It has 1 vertical line of symmetry

Does a have a line of symmetry?

Lower case A doesn't have a line of symmetry. Upper case A has a vertical line of symmetry.

Which letters have a line symmetry?

Letters that have a vertical line symmetry: WTYUIOAHXVM Letters that have a horizontal Line symmetry: EIODHKCB

Does D have a vertial line of symmetry?

The letter D does not have a vertical line of symmetry.

Does the letter A have symmetry?

Yes the letter A has a vertical line of symmetry

What is a word that has a vertical line of symmetry?

mint is a word that is a vertical.

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Does a letter T have any line of symmetry?

Yes T has a vertical line of symmetry

What are horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry?

A line which divides a body into two parts, such that each part is the mirror image of the others, then the line is called a line of symmetry. If such a line is parallel to the horizontal plane, then it is called a horizontal line of symmetry. Else, if the line of symmetry is perpendicular to the horizontal plane then it is a vertical line of symmetry.