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A probabilistic system is one that is understandable, indirectly, using probability analysis.

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In these systems, specific outcomes can't be predicted with precision, but the probabilities of given outcomes are known.

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Q: What is the definition of a probabilistic system?
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Define probabilistic system?

A probabilistic system is one that is governed by probability. Its behavior cannot be predicted exactly, but the probability of certain behaviors can be known.

Deterministic and probabilistic system?

A deterministic system is one that produces predictable set of outputs given a set of specific input parameters. The outputs of a probabilistic system, on the other hand, always vary.

Comparsion of deterministic and probabilistic system in relation to closed and open system?

Deterministic systems have fixed outcomes based on initial conditions, while probabilistic systems include uncertainty in outcomes due to randomness. In a closed system, interactions are confined within the system, allowing for deterministic predictions. In an open system, interactions with the external environment introduce probabilistic elements, making outcomes less predictable.

What is deterministic and probabilistic system?

In my understanding the probabilistic is a system that you can predict but no 100% like deterministic system. In other words the result is randomness i.e it can have many different results instead of single results.

What is the adjective word of probability?


What has the author Peter D Elliott written?

Peter D. Elliott has written: 'Probabilistic number theory' -- subject(s): Probabilistic number theory

What has the author David John Quirk written?

David John Quirk has written: 'A probabilistic event-step computer simulation of a repairable item inventory system'

What are the Difference between Probabilistic sampling methods and non probabilistic sampling methods?

With a probabilistic method, each member of the population has the same probability of being selected for the sample. Equivalently, given a sample size, every sample of that size has the same probability of being the sample which is selected. With such a sample it is easier to find an unbiased estimate of common statistical measures. None of this is true for non-probabilistic sampling.

Expectation is always positive?

If you mean probabilistic expectation, the answer is no.

What is the definition of a transmission system?

The definition of a transmission system is a system that transmits a signal from one place to another place.

What is the probabilistic nature of nuclear decay?

Nuclear decay is a quantum mechanical process, mediated by the weak and strong nuclear forces. All quantum mechanical processes are probabilistic, not deterministic.

What has the author Wenyuan Li written?

Wenyuan Li has written: 'Probabilistic transmission system planning' -- subject(s): Statistical methods, Probabilities, Planning, Electric power transmission