a numerical quantity that is not a whole number
An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
the numerical amount denoted by an algebraic term; a magnitude, quantity, or number:
You add and then solve the math
In math and physics, displacement and velocity are examples of vectors. The definition of a vector is that it is quantity that has both direction and magnitude. A vector is represented by an arrow that shows the direction of the quantity and a length which is the magnitude.
a numerical quantity that is not a whole number
An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
the numerical amount denoted by an algebraic term; a magnitude, quantity, or number:
You add and then solve the math
In math and physics, displacement and velocity are examples of vectors. The definition of a vector is that it is quantity that has both direction and magnitude. A vector is represented by an arrow that shows the direction of the quantity and a length which is the magnitude.
any number or quantity bigger or smaller than zero. It may lie on the right or left side of zero in the integers line.
Quantity refers to an amount, value, 'how many', how much'
It is a quantity that is not affected by other quantities. It may or may not affect them.
The amount or quantity.
Quantity means the amount of something (number, weight, or volume).
all physical quantity is called base quantity