a symptom that comes along with the treatment of another.they are usually not godd, with everything from a headache to death
The definition of a line of symmetry is a line that can be draw down the center of any shape or object to show mirror image of the other side. where each side is a mirror image of the other side.
the side of an angle measurement
Anatomical (adj): of or relating to the structure of the body. ergo: A body's right side.
one of several line segments that form a polygon
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The point at which the desired effect is greatest compared with any side effects.
an adverse effect is a harmful and undesired effect resulting from a Pharmaceutical_drugor other intervention such as Surgery. An adverse effect may be termed a "side effect", when judged to be secondary to a main or Therapeutic_effect, and may result from an unsuitable or incorrect Dose_(biochemistry) or procedure, which could be due to Medical_error.By the way an Adverse effect is the same thing as a side affect
The side effect of this medication is drowsiness.This is a side effect of radiation poisoning.
definition of same side interior angles
no side effect
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side effect of copety
does not make since. side effect for what.
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placed side by side
e.g weed. effect: gets you high side effect: cancer the drugs effect is the intentional effect of the drug. the side-effect is the unintentional effect. eg: pain medication's effect is to ease pain.. it's side-effect is that it often times will make you dizzy. you're not taking it to get dizzy, you're taking it to eliminate pain. therefor the dizziness is the side-effect.