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Either a straight line through the origin or a hyperbola.

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Q: What is the definition of proportional relationships in graphs?
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Do linear graphs represent proportional relationships?

Do all linear graphs have proportional relationship

How are proportional and non proportional relationships similar?

They aren't.

How do you evaluate graphs of proportional relationships?

They are straight lines through the origin and their gradient is the constant of proportionality.

What are graphs?

Graphs are pictorial representations of relationships.

What is true about ratios for proportional relationships that is not true about ratios for other relationships?

For proportional relationships the ratio is a constant.

Are Picture of relationships?


Do graphs make relationships easier to understand?

When graphs are used correctly, they do make relationships easier to understand. they provide a useful way to visualize relationships.

In science what are pictures of relationships?


What are the different types of relationships that can be represented in graphs?

Relationships that can be represented in graphs include linear relationships, quadratic relationships, exponential relationships, and inverse relationships. Each type of relationship has a distinct pattern when graphed, allowing for visual representation and analysis of the data.

What is a family of graphs as a math definition?

Graphs and equations of graphs that have at least one characteristic in common.

Graphs are pictorial representations of .?

The answer is numbers

Why do you need graphs?

Graphs help you see relationships in things such as inflation in money, or rising population.