the filipino term of protractor
There are no other names for protractor in English.
A protractor is used to measure angles.
A protractor is a geometric tool that is used to measure the degree of angles.
A full protractor is is a protractor that goes 360 degrees around.
Contractor rhymes with protractor.
Use a protractor. There is no easy fix. Use a protractor. There is no easy fix. Use a protractor. There is no easy fix. Use a protractor. There is no easy fix.
a protractor is used to measure an angle
the filipino term of protractor
This is a protractor. It helps you measure angles.
Yes on a full protractor you can
time to get another protractor
There are no other names for protractor in English.
A protractor is used to measure angles.
You can onlymeasure angles by using a protractor.