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The variance in the morphology and behavior of males and females.

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Q: What is the definition of sexual variance?
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The best definition for the word undercurrent describes a move. Undercurrent is the tendency for a variance or underlying action that creates a change.

What is the definition of standard deviation and variance?

The set of X1, X2, ..., XN is called X. Given that mean(X), is the sum of all X divided by N, the variance of X is mean((Xi - mean(X))2). The standard deviation of X is the square root of the variance.

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Our definition is the act of sexual relations

What are the three aspects of sexual self-definition?

The three aspects of sexual self-definition are sexual orientation (who one is attracted to), gender identity (how one identifies their gender), and sexual behavior or practices (what one does sexually).

How does sexual reproduction contribute to increasing the variance of traits within a population?

Sexual reproduction increases the variance of traits within a population by combining genetic material from two parents, leading to offspring with unique combinations of traits. This genetic diversity allows for a wider range of adaptations to environmental changes, increasing the overall fitness of the population.

What is the proof of sample variance and how is it derived?

The proof of sample variance involves calculating the sum of squared differences between each data point and the sample mean, dividing by the number of data points minus one, and taking the square root. This formula is derived from the definition of variance as the average of the squared differences from the mean.

What are the Sexual and human relationship needs of the elderly?

The needs are the same in elderly as they are for young people but on a different scale. All humans must have companionship. The sexual needs are there except probably on a wide variance of frequency.

What difference between a favorable variance and an unfavorable variance?

Favourable variance is that variance which is good for business while unfavourable variance is bad for business

What is the definition of lover?

A person who loves; A sexual partner.