similar fraction is the same denominator and dissimilar fraction is cannot the same denominators
Similar factions are fraction that have the same denominator ^^
It is a fraction in which the numerator or the denominator is 1.
fraction having a common denominator
You cannot. By definition, the absolute value of a mixed fraction is greater than one while, again by definition, the absolute value of a proper fraction is less than one.
similar fraction is the same denominator and dissimilar fraction is cannot the same denominators
Similar factions are fraction that have the same denominator ^^
If the fractions are similar, they will simplify to the same fraction.
It is a fraction in which the numerator or the denominator is 1.
fraction having a common denominator
You don't.
You cannot. By definition, the absolute value of a mixed fraction is greater than one while, again by definition, the absolute value of a proper fraction is less than one.
A type of fraction tha don't know wat it is?
The bottom number. The number under or after the fraction bar.
A percent, by definition is a fraction with an implied denominator of 100.
A dissimilar fraction is a fraction where the denominator is not the same as the others .
The answer depends on what you want to do with the fraction.