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Q: What is the definition of the speed of light?
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What is the definition of speed of light?

The definition of the speed of light in a vacuum is 300,000,000 meters/sec, or 186,000 miles/sec.

Why is the speed of light medium?

The speed of light is not medium: in vacuum, it is the highest speed that there can be. Hardly a definition of medium!

What is the speed it takes your light bulb to transmit at the speed of light?

By definition, light travels at the speed of light. About 300,000 kps

What is the speed of light in light years per second?

The number of years in a second... by definition!

Is definition of speed of light can be said to be example of circular logic?

In Wikipedia speed of light is defined as 'in international distance of units (SI) the meter is defined as the distance of light traveled in vac-cum in 1/299,792,458 of the second. This definition fixes the speed of light at 'exactly' 299,792,456 meters/second. This definition is the 'classic' example of what is called as 'circular logic'. When it comes to shape of kidney, you say that it is bean shaped. When it comes to shape of bean, you say, it is kidney shaped. Here you take the help of meter to define the speed of light and when it comes to length of meter, you take the help of speed of light.

What is superluminal travel?

Travel faster than the speed of light. By definition, Superluminal is "Faster-than-light (FTL)"

What is the definition for EMC2?

e for energy, m for matter, c for speed of light and 2 for square.

What is the meter definded by?

The current definition of the meter is in terms of the speed of light: "... the distance travelled by light in free space in 1⁄299,792,458 of a second".

IS electromagnetic waves travel faster than speed of light?

No, electromagnetic waves, including light, always travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second. Nothing with mass can travel at or faster than the speed of light in a vacuum.

When the mineral uvarovite has an index of refraction of 1.86. calculate the speed of light in this sample of uvarovite?

Use the definition of "index of refraction". In this case, you simply need to divide the speed of light in a vacuum by the index of refraction.

Why wouldn't we see a laser beam coming?

By definition, a laser travels at the speed of light. As soon as one sees it, it has already arrived via visual light.

Is it the speed of light or light speed?

Is what the speed of light or light speed.ANSWER300,000 km/s