'Dielectric' is often used in a general sense to refer to a material (such as ceramic, mica, plastic or paper) which is a poor conductor of electricity.
This term is used in the classical description of a capacitor -- two electric conductors separated by a dielectric. By applying electric charge to one conductor an electric field is created. The dielectric allows the electric field to pass through it and affect the other conductors; however the dielectric prevents electrons from flowing between the conductors, so the electric field remains (and the charge remains stored on the conductor).
[Side note for beginners: An electric field creates a force (measured in Volts) upon an electron or charged particle which tends to make it move. The conductor allows electrons to move easily within it. The dielectric resists the movement of electrons in it.]
More generally, we speak of a 'Dielectric Field' as a mathematic description of how electric charge influences the properties of the space around it. The Dielectric field interacts with space and with any material in the space to create an 'Electric Field'.
In simple terms, the electric field at any point is the product of the dielectric field at that point and the 'Dielectric Constant' of the material at that point. In more general terms, the 'electric field vector' at a point is the tensor product of the 'dielectric field vector' and the 'dielectric tensor' of the material at that point.
The dielectric field is not a measurable entity, but rather a mathematical tool that allows us accurately to model the electric field, which is measurable.
The article on Dielectrics at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dielectric provides more description, especially on the dielectric field model.
what does DNA stand fordeoxyribonucleic acidwhere in the cell are chromosomes locatedin the nucleus
it is the term for matey stuff
The common definition of the term "choose from" are to select freely and after consideration or to decide on especially by vote or to have a preference for.
The dielectric constant varies, depending on the material.
power in a math term is when you multiply the exponents
'Dielectric constant' is an archaic term for relative permittivity. They are one and the same.
A myelin sheath is a layer of myelin (a dielectric, or electric insulator) around the axon of a neuron.
Definition of long-Term Financing?
For an insulating material dielectric strength and dielectric loss should be respectively
What is the math term to the definition survey?Well, the definition of survey is a method used and collects data.
definition here
Please provide the definition for me to identify the matching term.
An insulator is called a dielectric because it is able to store and support an electric charge without conducting electricity. Dielectric materials in insulators have high resistance to electric current, which allows them to be used as a barrier against the flow of electricity in electrical circuits.
The scientific definition of force is: the push or pull of an object.