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Degree = 3

# terms = 3

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Q: What is the degree and the number of terms of x-x3 plus 3?
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enough for every one exept the blue ones which were limited

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So that they can show off their muscles ---------------------- The simple answer is they don't want to be shown up. The big answer is that human males (might) have a genetic disposition to being the breadwinner / hunter / pack alpha... and if a female were stronger, his opportunity to be that is challenged. Some men grow out of it. --XX3

How many 3 digit numbers contain the digit 3 at least once?

172==============================Another contributor was amazed:Wow ! That's a neat little problem.Let's see . . . . .-- There are three ways to have a single 3 in the number: 3xx, x3x, and xx3.For 3xx, there can be 81 different numbers. (2nd and 3rd digits can't be a 3. 9x9=81.)For x3x, there can be 72 numbers. (1st can't be 0 or 3. 3rd can't be a 3. 8x9=72.)For xx3, there are also 72. (1st can't be 0 or 3. 2nd can't be a 3. 8x9=72.)So far, we have 81+72+72 = 225 possibilities, with a single 3 in each one.-- There are three ways to have two 3s in the number: 33x, 3x3, and x33.For 33x, there can be 9 different numbers. (3rd digit can't be a 3.)For 3x3, there can be 9 numbers. (2nd digit can't be a 3.)For x33, there are 8 numbers. (1st digit can't be a 0 or a 3.)So we have 9+9+8 = 26 more possibilities.-- There is only one way to have three 3s in the number: 333.That's one more possibility.So the total number of 3-digit numbers where at least one of the digits is a 3 is225 + 26 + 1 = 252 all together.

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u can buy the Jordan 23s on, at footlocker store, or at finish line store. here are the some sites.

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I have bluey/grayish eyes and they're called slate blue.I have blue/gray eyes with a light green around the iris. There are many different names for every combination, depending on size, color, and darkness. This is a great reference sheet, for there are many shades of blue/green/gray eyes. know what you are asking about... I believe it's a French word for eyes that are grey, green and blue mixed. I cannot, for the life of me, remember what it is though. -XX3---- The world is Glasz - Phil D.Green-gray-blue eye color is called a light-mixed eye color.

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i know exactly what your going through... What i've been trying to do is move on, forget about that person... it's they're loss not yours.... If they were stupid enough to leave then they obviously don't deserve you....So wipe away your tears, smile and tell yourself that you don't need them anymore. find someone who won't make you cry and wont leave you... and will fix your broken heart<3 Goodluck with everything.... i wish you all the best....just find someone better<xx3 -SIncerly Kerry Boo (need anything email me) ♥

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The corn dog was invented in 1942 at the Texas State Fair by Carl and Neil Fletcher. But yes, there's a debate! Pronto Pup vendors claim to have introduced it in 1941 at the Minnesota State Fair.

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