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Q: What is the degree between 90 and 180?
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What angles are between 90 degree and 180 degree?


What is the angle between 90 and 180 degree?

An obtuse angle

What is an angle with a measure between 90 and 180 degree?

An obtuse angle

Obtuse angle has a degree measure that is between?

90 < angle < 180

An angle whose measure is between 90 degree and 180 degree is what angle?

An obtuse angle

What does a 140 degree angle look like?

A 140 degree angle is about half way between a 90 degree angle, which has lines that are perpendicular to each other, and a 180 degree angle, which is a straight line. A 140 degree angle is an obtuse angle which has a line a little over half way between the 90 degree and 180 degree angles.

Can you rotate text counterclockwise by entering a number between 1 degree and 180 degree on the aligment sheet in the format cells dialog box?

In Excel it is between -90 deg and +90 deg.

How do you use a protractor to measure angles?

put the protractor on the vertex and look up at the degree's and look belowacute angle =has a measure between 0 degree's and 90 degree'sright angle =has a measure of 90 degree'sobtuse angle = has a measure between 90 degree's and 180 degree'sstraight angle = has a measure of 180 degree'sthat's how you use a protractor to measure angles.

An angle whose degree measure is between 0 and 90?

An angle whose degree measure is between 0 and 90 is an acute angle. An angle whose degree measure is between 90 and 180 is an obtuse angle. These are basic properties of geometry.

What type of angle is a 120 degree angle?

A 120 degree angle is an obtuse angle. This means that the angle is between 90 and 180 degrees.

What is less than 180 degree but more than 90 degree?

This is an Obtuse angle, greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees

What is the different between 90 degree north and 90 degree south?

180 degrees of latitude. The first of those two points is the north pole. The second one is the south pole.