50% of what degree.
50% of 360degrees is 180degrees
50% of 180degrees is 90degrees
50% of 90degrees is 45degrees
50% of 260degrees is 130degrees
ans: 50 degree. its complement is 90-50=40 degree
Acute angle
90 - 40 = 50 degrees.
The angle of the sector measures 39.6 degrees (.11*360).
100/2 = 50; 50/2 = 25o
convert 27%to a degree measure on a circle graph
ans: 50 degree. its complement is 90-50=40 degree
It is 64.8 degrees.
130 degrees
90 degrees
It is an isosceles triangle because the third angle must measure 50 degrees
Acute angle
50° angle measure 50° m?= 50° replace the question mark with the line's name, or what the line is called.
90 - 40 = 50 degrees.
The current weather in Belgium is 50 degree's Fahrenheit. It is a 10 percent chance of rain. There is 94 percent humidity.
If that is the angles of a triangle then the 3rd angle is 110 degrees