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Q: What is the degree of bending your whole entire leg?
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Related questions

What is the term used for describing the bending of an arm or leg?

The bending of an arm or leg is called flexion.

Is the rotational inertia of your leg greater when your leg is bending or straight?

The rotational inertia of your leg is greater when your leg is straight because the mass is distributed further away from the axis of rotation. When your leg is bending, the mass is closer to the axis of rotation, resulting in a lower rotational inertia.

How do cats lick themselvs?

they lick themselves buy bending their leg back and bending forward and licking themselves

what does kneeing mean?

It's a verb, describing hitting or pressing against someone or something with a knee.

Why a person can't jump without bending legs?

To jump, you need the force of your leg muscles pushing off of the floor to move you into the air. Without bending your knees, you can't use your leg muscles.

What class lever is a leg bending at the knee?

A leg bending at the knee is an example of a third-class lever, where the effort (muscle force) is applied between the fulcrum (knee joint) and the resistance (weight of the leg). This arrangement allows for greater speed and range of motion, but requires more force to lift the leg.

How you do the lunge in gymnastic?

You stick out one of your legs and touch your back leg on the ground while bending your front and back leg.

What is the 30 degree-60 degree right triangle theorem?


What is an example of a nonlocomoter movement?

bending, twisting,tilting, arm swings, leg swings

What did the old English phrase make a leg mean?

For a gentleman to 'make a leg' is for him to bow, bending forward, with the left leg extended straight forward, supported by his bent right leg, whilst flourishing his headgear flambuoyantly.

How does one do the stanky leg dance?

To do the stanky leg dance one must stick there leg out and rotate it by bending their knees and essentially doing a jump rope motion. This dance originated in Texas.

What steps do you do in ballet?

Here are some of the most common ballet moves: Pirouette: A complete 360 degree turn on one leg plié: The bending of your knees when you are in second position. grand jeté: A jump in midair, mostly accopanied by a spin.