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Q: What is the degrees Fahrenheit for most activated sprinklers?
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What is 52C in Fahrenheit?

52 degrees Celsius is equal to 125.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

How cold is 3 degrees Fahrenheit?

3 degrees Fahrenheit is quite cold. It is below freezing temperature and well below the comfortable room temperature for most people.

How can you tell whether a temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees celsius?

You can tell whether a temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius by looking for the symbol °F for Fahrenheit or °C for Celsius typically written after the number. Additionally, temperatures in the United States are often in Fahrenheit while temperatures in most other countries are in Celsius.

What are the most common brands of farming sprinklers?

Irrigation sprinklers are the most common on farms.

What temperature do you freeze ice cream at?

Ice cream is typically frozen at temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). Most household freezers are set to a temperature around -18 degrees Celsius (0 degrees Fahrenheit) to properly freeze ice cream.

How many degrees celsius are in 400 degrees Fahrenheit?

400 degrees Celsius is 752 degrees Fahrenheit. And yes that is Hot!

Can ceramics withstand 5000 degrees?

No, most ceramics have a maximum temperature resistance of around 2000 to 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. Materials such as silicon carbide and silicon nitride can withstand higher temperatures up to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, but 5000 degrees Fahrenheit would likely exceed the temperature limit for most ceramics.

What is 575 Fahrenheit?

575 degrees Fahrenheit is a high temperature that falls within the range of an oven set to bake or roast food. It is hotter than a typical household oven temperature for most recipes, which usually range from 300-450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can boogers burn?

Yes. The dextrophamine found in most primates nasal congestion has a low burning point, roughly 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Once activated, the dextrophamine compound ignites violently, causing a very quick and bright burn.

How hot is 462 celsius?

462 degrees Celsius is very hot, equivalent to 863.6 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, most materials would burn or melt.

The temperature scale that gives the most precise temperature is?

The temperature scale that gives the most precise temperature is the Fahrenheit scale because there are 9 Fahrenheit degrees for every 5 Celsius degrees.

What is 3500 degrees Fahrenheit?

3500 degrees Fahrenheit is an extremely high temperature typically used in industrial processes like metalworking and glassmaking. At this temperature, most materials would melt or burn.