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Q: What is the density of CO gas if G occupies a volume of ml?
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What is density of CO gas if 0.196 g occupies a volume of 100ml?

The density of CO gas can be calculated using the formula: density = mass/volume. Given the mass of CO gas (0.196 g) and the volume it occupies (100 ml), we can convert the volume to liters (1 L = 1000 ml) and then calculate the density as 0.196 g / 0.1 L = 1.96 g/L. So, the density of CO gas is 1.96 g/L.

what is the density of CO GAS IF 0.196 g occupied a volume of 100 ml?

100ml = 1 dm3 0.196g = 196x10-6kg Density = mass/volume Density of CO = 196x10-6 / 1 = 196x10-6 kg/dm3

What is the density of CO2 gas at STP?

The density of CO2 gas at STP (standard temperature and pressure) is approximately 1.977 kg/m^3. This value is based on the ideal gas law, where the molar volume of an ideal gas at STP is about 22.4 L/mol.

What is the mass of CO gas if 0.196 g occupies a volume of 100 ml?

100ml = 1 dm3 0.196g = 196x10-6kg Density = mass/volume Density of CO = 196x10-6 / 1 = 196x10-6 kg/dm3

What is the volume of 654g of CO gas at STP?

about 29 decemeter cube or litre.....

What volume would 20.0 g of CO occupy at a temperature of 25 degrees C and a pressure of 105 kPa?

To find the volume, we first need to calculate the number of moles of CO using its molar mass. Then we can use the ideal gas law equation: PV = nRT, where R is the gas constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin. After calculating the number of moles, we can determine the volume of CO.

A sample of nitrogen collected in the laboratory occupies a volume of 0.725 L at a pressure of 98.4 kPa What will the volume of gas occupy at a pressure of 142 kPa assuming the temperature remains co?

Using the ideal gas law, we can set up the equation P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2. Since the temperature remains constant, we can simplify to P1V1 = P2V2. After plugging in the given values, we can solve for V2 to find that the volume of the nitrogen gas at 142 kPa will be 0.507 L.

How do you calculate pressure when given volume mass and temperature?

To calculate pressure using volume, mass, and temperature, you can use the ideal gas law equation: PV = nRT. Rearrange the equation to solve for pressure (P), which equals nRT/V, where n is the number of moles of gas and R is the ideal gas constant. Plug in the given values for volume, mass, and temperature to find the pressure.

How do you find out if my international silver co 448 is silver or silver plated?

if yousa tuf enuf ya can check density using mass against water displacement volume to verify 10.5/

What is the volume of 3.5mol of CO2 gas at STP?

First convert the number of grams of CO2 into moles, then use the Ideal Gas Law. For how to solve this problem, see the two Related Questions links to the left of this answer.

What does SV stand for in the relationship CO equals HRSV?

In the relationship CO equals HRSV, SV stands for stroke volume.

How is mass and density different?

Density is how much something weighs while confined to a certain volume. Mass is just its general weight. Think of lead and feathers. Leads density is higher and you can show this by the fact that it takes a smaller volume of lead to equal one ton versus feathers. Both end amounts would weigh the same they would just occupy a different amount of space.