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You need to specify the units of mass and volume.

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Q: What is the density of an object if its mass is 100 and its volume is 50?
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What is the density of a 100 cm3 and a mass of 25 grams?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. In this case, the density of the object would be 0.25 g/cm3.

What changes when the mass of an object increases while volume stays the same?

Assuming mass does not also increase, then density decreases if volume increases. For example, let's say Mass= 100 and Volume= 50 Density would = 2 Now, lets increase the volume. Mass would still = 100, and let's increase the volume to 75. Density would then equal 1.333... 2 is greater than 1.333.... so yes, density decreases as volume increases.

What is the density of an object that has a mass of 100 grams and a volume of 5 grams?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. In this case, the density would be 100 grams / 5 grams = 20 grams per cubic gram.

An object has a mass of 100g and its volume is 10ml what is the density of the object?

The volume of an object having a mass of 100 grams depends on the density of the object. --------------------------------- and the temperature (the hotter things are the more they expand) 100grams of water with a density of 1 - at standard temperature would have a volume of 100 cubic centimeters. a substance with density 2 - at standard temperature would have a volume of 50 cubic centimeters.

What is density of the 100kg object with a volume of 50 cubic centimeters?

Density = Mass/Volume = 100/50 kg/cc = 2 kg/cc

What is the density of an object that has 100 gram mass and 20cm to the third power volume?

5 gm/cc

What is the density of an object has a mass of 20 grams and a volume of 100 cubic centimeter?

The density of the object would be 0.2 grams per cubic centimeter (mass divided by volume).

If an object has a volume of 50 Cm3 and a mass of 956G what is the density of the object?

It is 100 g/cm3 which is way above the most dense element!

Can two objects have the same volume but not the same density?

Yes, two objects can have the same volume but different densities. Density is determined by the mass of an object per unit volume, so objects with different masses can have the same volume but different densities.

An object has a length of 20 cm a width of 5 cm a height of 1 cm and a mass of 500 g What is its density?

The volume of the object is calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height: 20 cm * 5 cm * 1 cm = 100 cm³. To find the density, divide the mass (500 g) by the volume (100 cm³): 500 g / 100 cm³ = 5 g/cm³. The density of the object is 5 g/cm³.

What is the density of an object whose mass is 100 g and whose volume is 10 cm3?

100 g / 10cm^3 = 10g/cm^3

What is the density of an obect with a mass of 100g and a volume of 200ml?

Density = Mass/Volume = 100/200 = 0.5 grams per ml.