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50/2.6 = 19.231 gm/cm3 (rounded)

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Q: What is the density of an object that has a mass of 50 g and a volume of 2.6 cm?
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How much density is in a solid?

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How much does neptune the planet weigh?

Neptune's mass is approximately 1.024×10^26 kilograms. Weight is a measure of the gravitational force acting on an object, so Neptune's weight would depend on the gravitational field where it is located.

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Acceleration depends on the force acting on an object, not just its mass. If a force is applied to a 26 kg object, its acceleration can be calculated using the formula acceleration = force / mass. Without information about the force acting on the object, the acceleration cannot be determined.

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To find the radius of the aluminum sphere, you need to know its density. Without density information, it's not possible to calculate the radius just from the mass given.

If an object has a mass of 26 g on earth would its mass be less than 26 g on the moon?

If an object has a mass of 36g on earth it will also have a mass of 26g on the moon. This is because while weight varies depending on gravity, mass is a universal constant that reflects the number of molecules in an object.It's mass would be the same (amount of matter) But it's weight would be less on the moon, yes.