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Q: What is the density of plywood per cm3?
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what the density of 16mm plywood per square meter

What is the density of water per gram?

The density of water is 1 gram per cm3 .

What is the density of 2000g 4000 cm3 volume?

use formula: density = mass per volume so the density is 2000 g / 4000 cm3 = 0.5 g/cm3

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It is easiest to answer this question using the metric system. 148.5 pounds = 67.36 kilograms So density = 67.36 / 30.5 kg per cm3 = 2.208 kg per cm3 = 2208 grams per cm3 Density of water = 1 gram per cm3 So specific gravity of the mass = density of the mass / density of water = 2208

What is the density of an object that has a mass of 615 grams and a volume of 105 cm3?

Density is grams per cm3. 615/105 = 5.86 g/cm3

A brick has a volume of 50 cm3 and a mass of 150g What is its density?

The density of the brick is calculated by dividing its mass by its volume. In this case, the density of the brick is 150g / 50cm3 = 3 g/cm3.

What is the density of a 24g mass of a substrance that has volume of 8cm cubed?

The substance's density is 0.11 g/cm3

Convert a density of 2g per cm3 to kg per m3?

Two grams per cm3 = 2,000 kg per m3

What density is required to be called densified plywood?

Density is a material's density is defined as its mass per unit volume.

What is the density of butter in g per cm3?

The density of butter can vary, but it is generally around 0.9 to 0.95 g/cm3.

What is the density of an object with a volume of 8 cm3 and a mass of 12g?

Density = Mass/Volume = 12/8 = 1.5 grams per cm3

Density of gypsum?

Density of gypsum is from 2.312 - 2.322 g/cm3 or gram per cubic centimeter. The calculated density of this sulphate mineral is 2.308 g/cm3.