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Q: What is the dependent variable if a data table shows the height of a person on his birthday every year for 10 years?
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Examples of Dependent and independent variables?

Independent Variables are changes that occur in an experiment that are directly caused by the experimenter (you.)Dependent Variables are changes that occur due toindependent variables.A Controlled Variable is anything else that could influence the dependent variables.

What is the difference between dependent asnd independent variables?

The independent variable is the one that the person doing the experiment changes themself. The dependant variable is the one that is recorded as results. For example, if investigating the effect of water on the rate of photosynthesis, you would change the amount of water and record how the rate of photosynthesis changes. Therefore, the amount of water is the independent variable and the rate of photosynthesis is the dependant variable.

What does dependent mean?

dependent means that a person depends on other person. e.g:-a child depends on his/her parents

Height of the scaffold if the person is 6 feet tall?

What is the height of a scaffold if the person is 6ft. Tall?

Is age a discrete or continuous variable?

Both. It is correct to consider age as a continuous variable, but we collect data on people's ages as if they were discrete variables. Age is generally given in years, at least in humans. When we round off our numbers, we make age a discrete variable. We say a person turns 21 as if one day he's 20 years old and the next day he's 21 years old. This is the way we treat age as a discrete variable. If we considered age as a continuous variable, we would say he is 20.99 years old a day before his birthday and exactly 21 years old only on his birthday, on the exact time of his birth. After that he is 21.001 years old.

Related questions

Is your birthday a variable?

No, your birthday is fixed. But a person's birthday is a variable.

In an experiment to determine if the type of shoes you wear affects how high can jump and which one is the independent variable dependent variable and one constant?

Independent - the type of shoe Dependent - the height of the jump Control - the person doing the jumping

What variable that is being tested or the part that is changed by the person doing the experiment?

The variable being tested or changed by the person conducting the experiment is called the independent variable. This is the factor that is deliberately manipulated to observe its effect on the dependent variable, which is the outcome being measured.

What are the definition between indeoendent and dependent variables?

The independent variable determines the value of other variables and is change by the person doing the experiment. The dependent variable is what is affected by the independent variable; it "depends" on the independent variable.

What factor in an experiment is changed by the person doing the experiment?

dependent variable

What is the definition for ordered variable?

Ordered Variable is one where you can put the data into order, bt not give it an actual number. The height of a person compared to other's height is an ordered variable.

What is the one factor that is changed our tested by the person doing the investigation?

The independent variable is the factor that is changed or tested by the person doing the investigation. It is the variable that is manipulated to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

How would you define what a dependent variable and independent variable are?

Independent variables answer the question "What do I change?"Dependent variables answer the question "What do I observe?"Controlled variables answer the question "What do I keep the same?"

What is the scientific word of the variable that is being tested or changed by a person doing the experiment?

The independent variable is the one being manipulated, and the dependent variable is the result of the manipulstion.

What is the name for something that changes during an experiment?

All factors in an expermient are called variables. The variable you can change yourself is called the independent variable; the one you expect to change and monitor accordingly (and where you get your results from) is called the dependent variable.

What variable is part of the experiment that is being tested or that is changed by the person doing the experiment?

The variable that is being tested or changed by the person conducting the experiment is called the independent variable. It is the factor that is purposely manipulated in order to observe its effect on another variable, known as the dependent variable.

What is the variable in the part of the experiment that is being tested or that is changed by the person doing the experiment?

The variable that is being tested or changed by the person conducting the experiment is called the independent variable. This variable is manipulated to observe its impact on the dependent variable, which is the outcome being measured in the experiment.