A dependent variable is one that changes based on changes of the independent variable. Or we can say it depends on whatever happens to the independent variable.
A veritable feast of steam with plenty of action.
A veritable effect was seen in the great depression of 2008. It means very emphasizing or important.
S is a veritable that can be any number it all depends on what equation you are doing.
is dependent on the independent variable
The independent Veritable.
Veritable is an adjective. It is used to emphasize that something is true or real.
The air was a veritable soup of pollution and disease
Operation Veritable happened in 1945.
A veritable feast of steam with plenty of action.
Some synonyms for the word 'veritable' are authentic, genuine, real, and true.
A "veritable plethora" is a great and genuine excess of something. "Veritable" means, "being truly or very much so," and a plethora is, "an overabundance or excess."
A good sentence to use this word in is, during the depression there was a veritable spike in negative attitudes. This word is used to show something as being intensified.
Veritable Red - 2011 was released on: USA: December 2011
The cast of Veritable Red - 2011 includes: Troy Bieser
A veritable effect was seen in the great depression of 2008. It means very emphasizing or important.
The buffet was a veritble smorgasbord of food. Donald Trump is a veritable genius of real estate buying and selling.