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Q: What is the depth of a box that can hold 810 cubic feet of sugar and is 9 feet wide and 10 feet long?
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How much does a 8' by 10' pool hold?

If it is rectangular, it holds 80 cubic feet of water per 1 ft of depth. About 7.48 gallons (US) per cubic foot, gives 598 galls per each foot of depth. 3 ft deep = 1795 gallons (US).

How many gallons of water does a 20 foot by 4 feet pool hold?

To calculate the volume of water a pool would hold, you need THREE dimensions - length, breadth and DEPTH, which is missing in your question. To calculate the number of gallons of water a 20 feet by 4 feet by 1 feet pool would hold, do this: Multiply 20 X 4 X 1 = 80 feet3 Convert this to gallons [by typing "80 cubic feet in gallons" in Google] The value is 598.441 US gallons. That's your answer. If the depth is 2 feet, multiply this value by 2. If the depth is 3, multiply 598.441 by 3, and so on.

How much water does an 19 foot by 32 foot length pool hold?

The number of cubic feet would be 608 (19 x 32) times the maximum depth of the water, assuming the pool is the same depth throughout. Otherwise, you would multiply the length, width, and depth of each section separately (usually the same width is shared) and then add both results. Once you get cubic feet, you would use a formula to convert that to gallons.

How much can 3 ft of 2x4 hold?

24 cubic feet

What size pool holds 13000 gals of water?

There approximately 7.48 gallons of water per cubic foot. Therefore, to hold 13000 gallons of water would require approximately 1738 cubic feet of space. For example, a rectangular pool averaging a depth of 6 feet, would require a surface area of approximately 290 square feet, which could be gotten by 29' X 10' or 20' X 14.5', etc. A circular pool averaging a depth of 6 feet would have to have a radius of about 9.6 feet, which is about 18.2 feet in diameter.

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How many cubic feet of baggage will a compartment 5 feet by 4 feet by 2 feet hold?

5x4x2=40 cubic feet

What size container will hold 700 gallons?

Any container that has a volume of about 93.6 cubic feet. In other words, the width x length x depth of the container in feet must equal 93.6

How much does a 8' by 10' pool hold?

If it is rectangular, it holds 80 cubic feet of water per 1 ft of depth. About 7.48 gallons (US) per cubic foot, gives 598 galls per each foot of depth. 3 ft deep = 1795 gallons (US).

How many square feet in a cubic feet?

Zero. "Cubic feet" describes a volume of space, like the space inside a bottle or a box. "Square feet" describes an amount of surface, like the surface of a sheet of paper or the floor of a room. The surface of a sheet of paper has no volume, and can't hold any water, because is has no sides. Square feet have no cubic feet in them. That's why there are two different kinds of units. If one could convert into the other, we wouldn't need both of them.

2.25 foot x 8 feet x 75 foot how many cubic feet of will the pool hold?

1350 cubic feet is the capicity of the pool which will hold 10,098 gallons of water

How many gallonS does 12 cubic feet hold?

12 cubic feet of space = 89.766 gallons of space (rounded)

How many gallons will a container that is 35200 cu feet hold?

A container that is 35200 cubic feet will hold approximately 262,976 gallons.

How many gallons of water does a 20 foot by 4 feet pool hold?

To calculate the volume of water a pool would hold, you need THREE dimensions - length, breadth and DEPTH, which is missing in your question. To calculate the number of gallons of water a 20 feet by 4 feet by 1 feet pool would hold, do this: Multiply 20 X 4 X 1 = 80 feet3 Convert this to gallons [by typing "80 cubic feet in gallons" in Google] The value is 598.441 US gallons. That's your answer. If the depth is 2 feet, multiply this value by 2. If the depth is 3, multiply 598.441 by 3, and so on.

A pool has a volume of 43308 cubic feet how many gallons does a pool hold?

A pool with a volume of 43,308 cubic feet can hold up to about 323,966 US gallons of water!

If the volume is 27136.3 how many gallons will it hold?

27,136.3 what's? Cubic inches? Cubic feet? Cubic centimeters?

How much water does an 19 foot by 32 foot length pool hold?

The number of cubic feet would be 608 (19 x 32) times the maximum depth of the water, assuming the pool is the same depth throughout. Otherwise, you would multiply the length, width, and depth of each section separately (usually the same width is shared) and then add both results. Once you get cubic feet, you would use a formula to convert that to gallons.