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Coulomb's constant 'k' in the equation F=kQQ/r2 is derived from Gauss's law. Gauss's law stated that the charge enclosed by a theoretical surface is equal to the permittivity constant, represented by the Greek letter epsilon (because I can't use an epsilon, I will use an X) times the electric flux through the surface. Flux is equal to the closed integral of electric field vector dot the vector dA (infinitesimal change in surface area) of the surface. Becasue the surface surrounding one point charge is a perfect sphere, the dot product can be ignored (The surface is uniform and every change in area is normal to the electric field), and the Electric field is constant so it can be brought out of the integral leaving integral dA. When the integral is solved, the resulting equation is XEA=Q. A equals the surface area of the sphere so XE(4*pi*r2)=Q and E=Q/(4*pi*X*r2) and because F=EQ, F=QQ/(4*pi*X*r2). This is probably looking pretty familiar. All we have to do is make k=1/(4*pi*X) to make this equation equal to good old Coulomb's law. X, the permittivity constant equals 8.854*10-12 Farads per meter, or coulombs squared seconds squared per kilograms meters cubed. If you substitute this constant into the equation k=1/(4*pi*X), you obtain Coulmb's constant.

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The unit of the constant of proportionality in Coulomb's law is Nm²/C² or Vm.

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Well it is used in certain Chemical equations and to derive other constants. As an example the charge on an electron = 1.6019 x 10-19 coulombs. So a mole of electrons will be 6.023 x 1023 (Avagadro) x 1.6019 x 10-19 coulombs per mole = 96495 coulombs per mole which is Faraday's constant

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The mathematical expression is Q = nF, where Q is the total charge in coulombs, n is the number of moles of electrons transferred (in this case, 3 moles for iron III sulfate to iron metal), and F is the Faraday constant (96,485 C/mol). Therefore, the number of coulombs necessary would be Q = 3 * 96485 C/mol = 289,455 C.

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