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Q: What is the diameter of a Bucky ball?
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The allotrope of carbon bucky ball?

There are eight allotropes of carbon. Bucky ball is one of the allotrope of carbon. Bucky ball is also called fullerene

Diameter of a ball that is 8cm deep and 24cm wide?

The width of a ball is its diameter, so the diameter of a ball that is 24 cm wide is 24 cm.

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I believe it called a Bucky Ball. After Buckminster Fuller.

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What is the diameter of the tennis ball in cm?

The diameter of a standard tennis ball is approximately 6.7 cm.

What is a Bucky?

"Bucky" can refer to James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, a character from Marvel Comics known as the Winter Soldier, or it can refer to "buckyball," a nickname for a buckminsterfullerene carbon molecule, which has a spherical shape resembling a soccer ball.

What is the diameter of a tennies ball?

The diameter of a standard tennis ball is approximately 6.7 cm.

What is the diameter or radius of a billiards ball?

In the US, a billiards ball or pool ball is 2.25 inches in diameter. This is 1.125 for its radius. The only exception is the oversize cue ball, which is 2.375 inches in diameter.

What is a 'bukky ball'?

A bucky ball is a buckminsterfullerene is a spherical molecule made of 60 carbon atoms that was named after Richard Buckminster Fuller.

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it is about d`ball diameter long

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A men's water polo ball has a diameter of .22 meters, while a women's ball is .21 meters wide.