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circumference = pi*diameter so diameter = circumference/pi = 19.1 metres.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: What is the diameter of a circle with a circumferance of 60 meters?
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What is the area of a circle in 60 meters diameter?

A circle with a radius of 30 meters has an area of 2827.43 square meters.

The area of a circle is 188 square meters Which is the closest diameter 8 meters 16 meters 49 meters or 60 meters?

The closest is 16 meters. The actual diameter is about 15.5 meters.

If a circle has a diameter of 60 what is the diameter?

the diameter of a circle that is 60 is 60 radius is 30 the circumference is 188.46

The area of a circle is 188 square meters Which is the closest to the diameter 8 meters 16 meters 49 meters or 60 meters?

The answer is 16 meter.

What is the circumference of circle with 60 foot diameter?

The circumference of circle with 60-foot diameter is: 188 feet.

What is the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 60 cm?

diameter = 60/pi

What is the approximate area of a circle with a diameter of 60 centimeters?

The approximate area of a circle with a diameter of 60 centimeters is 2,827.43 square centimeters.

How do you find the area of the circle if the diameter is 60m?

Area = pi * radius squared A = pi*r2 diameter/2 = radius 60 meters/2 = 30 meters so, Area = pi(30 m)2 = 2827 meters squared =================

What is the diameter of a 60 inch circumference circle?

The diameter of a 60-inch circumference circle is 19.1 inches. (D = c divided by Pi)

What would be the radius of a circle with a diameter of 8 inches?

Radius is one-half of the diameter of a circle. Therefore, the radius of an eight-inch diameter circle is four inches. The diameter of a circle is a straight line joining a point on the circumference through the centre to the 'opposite' point on the circumference.

Circumference 60 feet what is the diameter?

A circle with a circumference of 60 feet has a diameter of: 19.1 feet

If the Diameter of a circle is 120 what is the radius?

Since diameter is twice its radius, the radius of this circle would be 60