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The diameter of the center circle on a regular soccer field (100x60 yards) is 20 yards.

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Q: What is the diameter of the center circle in soccer?
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In soccer what is the area of the center circle?

diameter of a soccer center circle is 10 meters. means the radius is 5 meters. area of a circle is (pi)*(r)squared. approximately 78.5398.

A chord of a circle that contains the center of a circle-?

The cord of a circle that contains the center of that circle is a diameter of that circle.

Does a diameter pass through the center of the circle?

yes a diameter passes through the center of a circle

Can the diameter of a circle pass through the center of a circle?

A diameter of a circle must pass through the center of that circle. A cord is a line segment that has its endpoints on the circumference of a circle. It can be any line segment. If that cord also passes through the center of the circle, it is said to be a diameter of that circle. A diameter of a circle is the longest cord of the circle.

What is the circumference of the center circle on a soccer field?

The circumference of the center circle of a soccer field is pi times its diameter (which is 10 yards). It could also be expressed as 2 times pi times its radius (which is 5 yards). It's about 31.416 yards.

Is The diameter of a circle is a chord that does not always pass through the center of the circle.?

The diameter of a circle is a circle's largest chord.

What is a chord of a circle that contains the center of a circle?

A chord of a circle that contains the center of the circle is called the diameter.

A cord of a circle that contains the center of a circle?


The center of a circle lies on what?

Every diameter of the circle.

What is the diameter of a cirlce?

The length of a chord that passes through the center of a circle is the diameter of the circle.

Is the distance around the circle the diameter?

The distance around a circle is the circumference. The diameter of a circle is the distance across the center of a circle.

What of a circle is a chord that has the center of the circle as one of its points?

The diameter of the circle.