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The difference is the answer in a subtraction problem.

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Q: What is the difference 6 in math?
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What does difference mean in an math equation?

Difference in math means subtraction. To express the difference between 6 and 2 you would use the equation 6 - 2 = 4.

What does the difference mean in math?

The difference means to SUBTRACTEx.12-6=656565- what

What is the definition of difference in math?

The difference, in a subtraction sum, is the answer to the sum. For example, the difference between 6 and 4 is equal to 2. 6 - 4 = 2.

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i am good in math so it is math :)

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What is the difference between 21 and 15?

Well, darling, the difference between 21 and 15 is simply 6. It's like asking the difference between a kitten and a lion - one's cute and cuddly, the other might eat you for breakfast. So, in math terms, 21 minus 15 equals 6. Ta-da!

What is the difference of math?

The Difference of math is when you subtract 2 numbers and get the number between it. Example: 30 -20 _____ 10 The difference there would be 10.

What does difference in math?

Subtraction followed by modulus does difference.

What is the difference in a math sentence?

Difference means you subtract

Is there a difference between an operation in math and an equation in math?

The answer is I dont like math sorry!! :D

What is difference between math and math?

Nothing as they are both abbreviations for mathematics.

What does the differences do in math?

Difference in math is subtraction. For example, the difference between 10 and 7 is 3 (10 - 7 = 3).