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B means the are of the base while b means the base line.

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Q: What is the difference between B and b in math?
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What is the difference between b. and .b.?

one has .. and one has . its unequal

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What's the difference between a and b?

There are a few differences between a and b. A is a vowel and b is a consonant. A and b both have different sounds when pronounced.

What are the difference symbol and how it is read?

There are two possible candidates: The first is ≠. A ≠B is read as "A is not equal to B". The second is |A - B| and this is read as "Modulus of the difference 9or absolute difference) between A and B". |A - B| = A - B when A ≥ B and B - A when A < B The first simply asserts that A and B are different whereas the second gives a magnitude to the difference.

What is the definition of the transitive property of math?

Rate This AnswerThe transitive property states that if a relation holds between a and b and between b and c, then it also exists between a and c.So, if A=B AND B=C, THEN A=C

What is the difference between vector addition and algebraic addition?

There is no difference between vector addition and algebraic addition. Algebraic Addition applies to vectors and scalars: [a ,A ] + [b, B] = [a+b, A + B]. Algebraic addition handles the scalars a and b the same as the Vectors A and B

What is the difference between an A tech and a B tech?

one is A and one is B

The sum of two numbers is 100 and their difference is 37 The difference of their square is?

Let the numbers be a and B Then, a + b = 100 and the a - b = 37 a2 - b2 = (a + b) (a - b) = 100 *37 =3700 I have been preparing for my GMAT from, so i have a good practice of math questions.