"Lineal" and "Linear" CAN be synonyms, but usually the term Lineal is used in referring to the line of descent from an ancestor while Linear is used to refer to something relating to, or resembling a line; such as something straight or one dimensional.
lin ft means 'linear" or "lineal" ft, which means a length vs a area or a volume. The answer is 10
The dependent variable.
whats the difference between solving an inequality by algebriac vs graphical
A factor of 43?
lin ft means 'linear" or "lineal" ft, which means a length vs a area or a volume. The answer is 10
yield vs ytd
.30 vs. .355
What is the difference between a common wealth and a state?
rap vs rock
oordbms vs ordbms
ismb vs npb
b vs. s
Not enough information - nature of step progression towards critical value has to be specified (sample size, linear vs. logarithmic vs. whatever, etc.).
Feature-by-feature, how powerful is BASIC vs. Python programming
The dependent variable.