There is no "greatest common multiple" for any pair of numbers. If you meant greatest common factor, the answer is 3.
Lowest common factor=1Are you sure you don't mean lowest common multiple of highest common factor?Lowest common multiple=96Highest common factor=2
The greatest common factor is 2 and the least common multiple is also 2.
6 is a factor of 18, so the least common multiple is 18.
No, it is not a factor of either of the numbers.
And the GCF is 6. That makes the difference between the two 30.
360 - 18 = 342
Difference Between GCF and LCM. The Greatest Common Factor (or the GCF) is the greatest real number shared between two integers. ... On the other hand, the Lowest Common Multiple (or LCM) is the integer shared by two numbers that can be divided by both numbers
a factor is what you multiply by a multiple is the answer
The least common factor of any set of numbers is 1.
120 - 24 = 96
90 - 2 = 88 2 - 90 = -88
The GCF is the largest of the common factors.
If that's greatest common factor and greatest common divisor, there is no difference between them.
The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder. The least common factor is the smallest positive integer that will divide evenly with no remainder into all the members of a given set of numbers. Since 1 is a common factor of every number, it is always the least common factor.
The greatest common factor of two (or more) integers is the biggest whole number that divides into each one of them. The least common factor is the smallest whole number that divides into each one of them and must be 1. Very possibly, you meant the least common multiple, however?
24 - 1 = 23