A linear meter is a meter, in a straight line, as opposed to cubic meter, which covers a 2-dimensional plane. They are both part of the metric system. There is no metric meter, other than just referring to a meter as being part of the metric system.
linear meter is the distance between a point x to point Y irrespective of the elevation and bumps between them. running meter is the lenght between X AND Y considering all the elevation etc
A square meter is a measure of area; whereas a linear meter is a measure of length.
The liter is a metric unit of capacity (volume). The meter is the fundamental unit of length in the metric system.
m stands for meter- a metric unit of measurement. km stands for Kilometer, which is 1,000 meters. (A meter is ~ 3.28 feet) (A mile is ~ 1.6 kilometers)
The same as a meter. It is called "linear" to distinguish it from square or cubic meter, but the "linear" can really be omitted.The same as a meter. It is called "linear" to distinguish it from square or cubic meter, but the "linear" can really be omitted.The same as a meter. It is called "linear" to distinguish it from square or cubic meter, but the "linear" can really be omitted.The same as a meter. It is called "linear" to distinguish it from square or cubic meter, but the "linear" can really be omitted.
Cubic meter is a measurement of volume, and metric ton is a measurement of weight.
The customary units are ones we use everyday. metric units usually have the word meter on it. my teacher taught me meter metric no meter no metric.
Each refers to a length of 1 metre.
linear meter is the distance between a point x to point Y irrespective of the elevation and bumps between them. running meter is the lenght between X AND Y considering all the elevation etc
A square meter is a measure of area; whereas a linear meter is a measure of length.
The liter is a metric unit of capacity (volume). The meter is the fundamental unit of length in the metric system.
Linear measurements in the metric system are based on the meter, which is the fundamental unit of length. Other units such as centimeters, millimeters, and kilometers are derived from the meter using prefixes.
None. Both are 1-metre lengths, of the standard with of the fabric.
All metric units of linear measurement are multiples or sub-multiples of the meter.-- nanometer = 10-9-- millimeter = 10-3-- centimeter = 10-2-- meter-- kilometer = 103..etc.
-- nanometer -- micrometer (micron) -- millimeter -- meter -- kilometer