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There is no difference.

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Q: What is the difference between a mistake and an error?
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What is the difference between a error and a mistake?

There is no difference.

Difference between an error and a mistake?

they are the same thing.

What is the difference between an error and a mistake in physics?

There is no difference.There IS a difference. An error is the amount of deviation from a correct or accurate result. A mistake is a misunderstanding of a meaning or intention.

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What is the difference between fraud and misinterpretation what do you undersatnd by mistake?

What is a scientific error?

Error has different meanings in different contexts. In some cases it is a synonym for "mistake". In this sense "Human Error" would be careless accidents that could be avoided with care. In Scientific terms, however, "error" simply refers to the difference between an observed value and it's theoretical "expected" value, regardless of whether this difference relates to a "mistake" by the experimenter, or is the result of some uncontrolled variable in the experiment.

What is the difference between a mistake and an error in statistics for research?

The Difference between the real value and the expected value creates Error of Origin. Whereas wrong statistical method used in the research or we calculated in a wrong way this is called mistake in stats.Errors are not willingly done but mistakes are done knowinglyError occurs at the stage of Collecting data, Analyzing it or at the time of Interpretation. Whereas Mistakes can be done at any stage of Research.Predicting Error is easy but it is difficult while making mistake in research.One cannot stop Errors but we can stop making mistakes in research.Posted by Elana Bhandari,Jodhpur.

What is a word that means To make a mistake?

I guess it can be error? An error is the mistake, to make a mistake is to err.

What is the difference between low percent error and high percent error?

The difference between low percent error and high percent error is one is low and the other is high

What is a error?

An error is a mistake.

What is the difference between the titanic and the 911?

One was a mistake that caused a catastrophe and one was not a mistake

What is another word for mistake?


What is a mistake also called?

A mistake is also called an error or a blunder.