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A natural border could be a river, sea or mountain range. Political borders are simply arbitrary lines drawn on a map.

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Q: What is the difference between a natural border and a political border?
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Is the rio grande a political or natural border?

The Rio Grande serves as a natural border between the United States and Mexico for part of its length, and a political border for the rest. Many sections are defined by treaties and agreements between the two countries.

What is the difference between a physical border and a political border?

Natural boundaries are coastlines, mountain ranges, lakes, rivers, gulfs, canyons, desert wastelands... basically, a part of the earth that is considered by most to be uninhabitable. Political boundaries are the borders that are represented on maps by all the other lines besides natural boundaries and latitude/longitude indicators (although many political boundaries are natural boundaries and parts of lines of latitude and longitude). They are the boundaries between nations and between national subdivisions.

What is the difference between a natural and a political border?

Sometimes they are the same thing, like when a river separates two cities, counties, states, or countries. A natural border could be something like a river. A political boundary is when a line is drawn that has no natural features, but is measured according to some other system, like longitude and latitude. The borders of the Us that separate it from its neighbors, Mexico and Canada, are a combination of both natural and political borders.

What is the different between natural and a political?

A natural boundary is a boundary that is viewed from a physical factor like a mountain, river, or other land form/waterway. A political boundary is a boundary that is man made or decided by people. For example the state border is a political boundary.

Where in europe do political boundaries coincide with physical barriers?

The Pyreneesis a range of mountains in southwest Europe that forms a natural border between France and Spain.

What is the political boundary between the US and Mexico?

The border

What is the difference between a natural and a physical boundary?

A natural boundary is a boundary created by natural features like rivers, mountains, or lakes. A physical boundary is a wider category that encompasses both natural boundaries and artificial boundaries created by humans, such as walls or fences.

What is the differerence between a natural and a political boundary give an example of each?

A natural boundary is a separation of land made naturally, such as the Himalayas separating the Indian subcontinent from the rest of Asia. A political boundary is a land made separation of land, such as the United States-Mexico border.

What is the difference between a nuatral and a polictical boudary give a example of each?

A neutral boundary is a geographic feature or line that separates two areas without favoring either side politically. For example, a river or mountain range can serve as a neutral boundary between two countries. A political boundary is a demarcation line established by governments to separate territories, often based on historical, cultural, or administrative factors. An example of a political boundary is the border between the United States and Mexico, which was established through treaties and agreements between the two countries.

What river creates a natural border between North Korea and China?

The Yalu River creates a natural border between North Korea and China.

Give an example of a natural and political boundry?

Georgia's border with South Carolina is the Savannah River.

What is the difference between a natural and a political boundary Example?

A natural boundary is a physical geographical feature such as a mountain or river that separates two areas. A political boundary is a line drawn by humans to define borders between countries or territories. An example would be the border between the United States and Mexico being a political boundary, while the Rio Grande River serving as a natural boundary in some areas.