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That's kind of hard, but I would say the best way to tell would be by being passive and patient. Treat him as nice as he's treating you - no more no less. Wait until he makes it clear whether he is interested in you as something more then friends, or simply being nice. Of course, if he asks you for your number or out on a date, then you'll know for sure. So, to let him know that you might be interested in him, treat him the same way he treats you. The difference between a nice guy and an interested guy can be very difficult to decipher, since he's probably not giving up any big signs if he is interested (or maybe you're missing them, you might want to search for some guy flirting signs). To tell if he's interested, then you may need to look for some subtle signs. For example, you may 'feel' like he's looking at you, but you don't catch him, or you may see him taking a glance at you and then looking away (especially if you look at him). He may "coincidentally" show up where you are, or he may try to do something little to catch your attention. If he touches you, or if he blushes around you, then it's pretty likely he's interested. Basically, look for anything out of the ordinary - something that a guy who isn't interested probably wouldn't do.

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Q: What is the difference between a nice and an interested guy?
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What does it mean when a guy asks What is your size?

He's only interested in your body. He wants to know what size clothes and bra you wear. Walk away from him. Real men are interested in women for their personality and who they are as a person. False men (such as this guy) are only interested in the amount of self-pleasure they can get from you.

How soon should you call a guy after getting his number?

i would let him wait at least a day or two because you dont want to seem too interested, even if your really into him. its good to let him know that your in control (play it nice and cool and calm)

What is the difference between the new American Bible and the Jerusalem Bible?

The answer may be way upon my super intelligence but because I am a super smart guy, I would say there is only a small difference between the two huge types of bibles that were so well written. The only little difference between those two so obviously well written books is.....................the language! That is my super smart and cool answer to your not so confusing question. :)

What do you do if 2 boys like 2 girls but the 2 girls only liked 1 boy?

I've never had a girlfriend but just try two keep the guy you two don't like available because only one of you will get the guy you both like and try to get the guy you both like and if you couldn't get him you have an alternative or if you don't like the guy at all tell him your not interested.

Why would a guy give you his phone number?

Good question! Most women of all ages would rather the guy phone her! Don't phone him and if you see him again tell him if he's interested in you to give you a call! This shows you are independent and that he has to work for your attention.

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u can show a guy u r interested in him by asking him out or just being nice to him and helping him out.You can also smile and talk to him alot

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Once you start dating, and the guy seems really interested and nice and funny to you, then you'll know ;)

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Always the same thing. Anytime a guy acts interested in a woman, he wants to get her in bed.

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if you're new, and a nice guy is interested i say there is no reason to keep ur optionsopen. go for it!

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Well.....if he is flirting with only you, then maybe he likes you. Try to talk too him. Let him know that you are interested in him. :) But is a very thin line between flirting, and just being a nice guy.

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It means that he isn't interested but is trying to be nice about it.

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Act on it if your interested in him ony 3 years difference but a guy that age will probably ant sex so if your not ready for something like that i wouldn't do it...

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It would usually be best to tell the guy that likes you sorry but I am not interested. Say it in a nice way and you should be alright.