A great number of people have a problem with this, which causes quite an amount of trouble.
Number refers to something that can be counted.
Amount refers to an unknown quantity or something that cannot be quantified, like feelings, intentions, impressions, etc.
A numeral is the symbol or word that represents the number, while a number is the actual amount of the numeral.
There are four each. The difference is zero.
the difference is called a range.
the number itself
an integer is a whole number
Atomic number is the amount of electrons. Atomic mass is the amount of protons and neutrons.
A numeral is the symbol or word that represents the number, while a number is the actual amount of the numeral.
Difference between actual amount and budgeted amount is called "Variance" and variance analysis is done to find out the reasons for variance
It has a different amount of space between molecules.
The difference between the greatest and least number is the range.
Basically there is no difference - apart from the amount of information it can hold. The figures you quote refer to the amount of internal memory. The higher the number - the more the iPod can store.
the difference between a number and 3 is
the difference between ine number and the next on the scale ?
amount of hair
The exact number of bones varies with every human, but there is no general difference between the genders.