How Pentagon and Rectangle Are DifferentThe difference between a pentagon and recangle is that a pentagon has five sides and a rectangle has four sides.
A parallelogram is slanted. A rectangle is not.
A rectangle is correct; a rhombuses is not.
It depends on the relationship between the rectangle and the circles.
circle gol hota ha rectangle chakor pendu tainu aa wi ni pata
a cube is a 3d square and a cylinder is 3d circle + rectangle shape.
There is not much difference between a cube and a cylinder. The cube is a 3d square and a cylinder is actually 3d circle in a rectangle form.
The difference btwwen a square and a rectangle is that a rectangle has two congruent lines.
The main difference is that a triangle rectangle cannot exist.
area of a circle = area of a rectangle(parallelogram) formed by the sectors of circle with pi as length and radius as bradth.
How Pentagon and Rectangle Are DifferentThe difference between a pentagon and recangle is that a pentagon has five sides and a rectangle has four sides.
It is sort of between a rectangle and a circle.
A parallelogram is slanted. A rectangle is not.
A rectangle is correct; a rhombuses is not.
It depends on the relationship between the rectangle and the circles.
circle and rectangle. circle for the top and a curled rectangle with length equal to the circumference of the circle for the side.
circle gol hota ha rectangle chakor pendu tainu aa wi ni pata