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circles have no sides or angles

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Q: What is the difference between a rectangle and a circle?
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What is the difference between a cube and cylinder?

a cube is a 3d square and a cylinder is 3d circle + rectangle shape.

Whats the difference between a cube and a cylinder?

There is not much difference between a cube and a cylinder. The cube is a 3d square and a cylinder is actually 3d circle in a rectangle form.

What is the difference between a squre and a rectangle?

The difference btwwen a square and a rectangle is that a rectangle has two congruent lines.

What is the difference between a triangle rectangle and a normal rectangle?

The main difference is that a triangle rectangle cannot exist.

What is relationship between the area of a circle and a rectangle?

area of a circle = area of a rectangle(parallelogram) formed by the sectors of circle with pi as length and radius as bradth.

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How Pentagon and Rectangle Are DifferentThe difference between a pentagon and recangle is that a pentagon has five sides and a rectangle has four sides.

What shape is Hawaii?

It is sort of between a rectangle and a circle.

What is the difference between a rectangle and a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is slanted. A rectangle is not.

What is the difference between a rhombuses and a rectangle?

A rectangle is correct; a rhombuses is not.

What is the area of the rectangle if the radius of each circle is 6cm?

It depends on the relationship between the rectangle and the circles.

What two shapes make a cylinder?

circle and rectangle. circle for the top and a curled rectangle with length equal to the circumference of the circle for the side.

What is the relationship between the area of a circle and a rectangle?

circle gol hota ha rectangle chakor pendu tainu aa wi ni pata