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Q: What is the difference between a slope change and a translation?
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What is the difference between rate of change and slope?

Slope is blah. Rate of change is blah.

What is the difference between a slope and rate of change?

Depends. Slope of tangent = instantaneous rate of change. Slope of secant = average rate of change.

What is the vertical change when the slope of a line is expressed as the ratio of the rise to the run?

The vertical change between two points separated by a horizontal difference of Dx is Dx*slope = Dx*Rise/Run

What is the difference between slope of 0 and no slope?

No slope is undefined i.e. a vertical line slope of 0 is a horizontal line... i believe...

What is the slop if a diagonol line?

the slope of a line is the change in y / change in x, also known as rise over run. pick two points find the difference in their hights / the difference in the length between them.

What is the difference between a line with a slope of zero and no slope?

A line with slope of zero is horizontal. A line with no slope is vertical because slope is undefined on a vertical line.

What does slope measure?

the rate of change in an object Equation for slope is Y2-Y1/X2-X1 A.K.A. The difference of the Y's over the difference of the x's

What does the slope s-t graph indicates?

The slope of a line on a graph represents the rate of change between two variables. A steeper slope indicates a faster rate of change, while a shallower slope indicates a slower rate of change. The slope can provide information about the relationship between the variables being compared.

How do you find slope on a distance vs. time graph?

To find the slope on a distance vs. time graph, you calculate the change in distance divided by the change in time between two specific points on the graph. The slope represents the speed or velocity of an object. A steeper slope indicates a greater speed.

What is the difference between a line that has a zero slope and a line that has a undefined slope?

zero is horizontal, undefined is vertical

What is the slope between (5-3) and (8-5)?

Points: (5, -3) and (8, -5)Slope: -2/3

What is the difference between positve and negative correlation?

Positive correlation has a positive slope and negative correlation has a negative slope.