Shape. A square foot is any area of 144 squinches. A linear square foot, should such a name exist, would probably be a square 12 inches to the side.
Running Foot (ft) is a measure of distance. Square Foot (ft²) is a measure of area.
A foot measures length, a square foot or ft2 measures example of length: _________________an example of area:
Can't be done. Speak to your teacher about the difference between area and length.
A square foot is a measure of area.
"Foot" is singular, and "feet" is plural.
Running Foot (ft) is a measure of distance. Square Foot (ft²) is a measure of area.
One square foot is 1 foot X1 foot, 1 foot square is also 1 foot x 1 foot. The only difference is that in 100 square feet it would be 10 x 10 or 5 x 20 etc but in a 100 foot square it is 100 feet X 1 foot only.
A foot measures length, a square foot or ft2 measures example of length: _________________an example of area:
A linear foot is distance. A square foot is area. One square foot is the area of some square tiles used on floors. Ten square feet is 1 foot x 10 feet or 2 feet x 5 feet. Don't confuse this with a 10 foot square which is 10 feet by 10 feet which equals 100 square feet.
Can't be done. Speak to your teacher about the difference between area and length.
A square foot is a measure of area.
the difference is the males foot is more square and the females is narrower.. the male has thicker hair than females because we have diffrent geines....
The difference is that the MT1 uses a 270 Square Foot 5 Cell Ram Air Canopy and the MT2 uses a 370 Square Foot 7 Cell Ram Air Canopy. The main advantage being that the bigger canopy can support more weight.
You can't convert between foot and square foot.
"Foot" is singular, and "feet" is plural.
It depends on how thick they are. A square foot is a unit of area, not volume. The density of the two materials is 5500 kg/m3 for Ti and 2800 kg/m3 for Al. Assuming you had the same volume (same area and thickness) the mass ratio would be 55/28.
You can't convert between feet and square feet.