A triangle is a two dimensional object. A Prism is a thee dimensional object. The base of a Prism is a Triangle, but it also has height.
A cylinder has a circle as a base, while a prism has either a triangle (most common) or a rectangle as a base.
Pyramids only have square bases.Triangular prisms have triangle bases.Pyramids have triangle "faces".Triangular prisms have rectangular "faces".
rectangle triangle there is a difference
The base of a triangular prism is a triangle and the base of a square pyramid is a square.
The answer depends on the orientation of the prism. Generally, the top view is a rectangle. The side view is either a triangle, a parallelogram or a rectangle, depending on the position.
a triangle is 2D whereas a triangular prism is 3D.
Yes because a triangle is a 2D shape whereas a triangle prism is a 3D shape
A cone has a circle for a base and a triangular prism has a triangle for a base
The height of the base is part of the triangle and the height of the prism is the height of the rectangle
A rectangular prism has 4 sides, and a triangular prism has three. Its like asking the difference between a Square and a Triangle!
Cones have a circular base and a triangle prism has a triangular base
difference between ordinary prism and constant deviation prism
A cylinder has a circle as a base, while a prism has either a triangle (most common) or a rectangle as a base.
Pyramids only have square bases.Triangular prisms have triangle bases.Pyramids have triangle "faces".Triangular prisms have rectangular "faces".
rectangle triangle there is a difference
a cube is a square thats 3-D, you cant call a triangle thats 3-D a cube! you call it a prism, pay attention in class
The base of a triangular prism is a triangle and the base of a square pyramid is a square.