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effort deviation

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Q: What is the difference between actual effort and planned effort expressed as a percentage of planned effort?
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What is a budget variance?

A budget "variance" is the difference between planned and actual performance.

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A reserve is a planned amount, a surplus is unplanned.

What is budget variance?

A budget "variance" is the difference between planned and actual performance.

What the difference between planned value and earned value?

Planned Value is the authorized budget assigned to the scheduled work to be accomplished for a schedule activity or a work breakdown structure component Earned Value is the value of completed work expressed in terms of the approved budget assigned to that work for a schedule activity or work breakdown structure component.

Is there a difference between doctor prescribed birth control pills and the kind you might get from Planned Parenthood?

Absolutely no difference. The only difference may be price.

Efforts Deviation means?

Difference between the actual and planned for a effort is known as effort deviation.

What is the difference between actual end date and planned end date?

A planned end date - is an predicted estimation of when something is to cease. An actual end date - is the confirmed end.

Difference between incident and a service request?

Incident is not planned and means that the service is disrupted, Service Request has a planned process or procedure ready to be executed, for example password reset.

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event organizer - organises an event venue - is where an event is planned to occur

Calculate a effort variance as a percentage?

(Actual Effort -Planned Effort)/Planned Effort * 100

What is the difference between planned and unplanned budget?

A planned budget is one that is structured and has been well thought out. An unplanned budget is one that pays bills and expenses as they come without a preset plan.