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Algae is a type of plant found in coastal areas. Fungi are basically mushrooms. Athlete's foot is a type of fungus disease.

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Q: What is the difference between algae and fungus?
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Related questions

What symbiotic relationship is lichen (fungus and algae)?

Lichen is a symbiosis between an algae and a fungus.

Is it true that Lichen is the result of a mutual relationship between a fungus and an algae or cyanobacteria?

Yes, lichens are a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and either an algae or a cyanobacteria. The fungus provides structure and protection, while the algae or cyanobacteria photosynthesize and provide nutrients for the partnership.

What are Lichens an exampel of?

A symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an algae or cyanobacteria.

What is the relationship between fungus and algae in crustos linchen?

A symbiotic relationship.

A lichen is a symbiotic association between?

A lichen is a composite organism made up of a fungus and an autotroph. Lichens are commonly used in making dyes and perfumes.

What is a association between a fungus and a cyanobacteria or green algae is a?

The association between a fungus and a cyanobacteria or green algae is called a lichen. Lichens are symbiotic organisms that result from a mutualistic relationship where the fungus provides structure and protection, while the cyanobacteria or green algae contribute through photosynthesis to provide nutrients.

An orginism made of fungus and green algae or cyanobacteria?

The organism you are referring to is called a lichen. Lichens are a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and either green algae or cyanobacteria. The fungus provides structure and protection, while the algae or cyanobacteria provide energy through photosynthesis.

What is a combination of algae and fungus called?

A combination of algae and fungus is called a lichen. Lichens are a symbiotic relationship between the two organisms, with the fungus providing structure and protection while the algae photosynthesizes to provide energy for both.

What is a common autotrophic component of a lichen?

A common autotrophic component of a lichen is a photosynthetic algae, such as a green alga or a cyanobacterium. These organisms provide energy to the lichen through photosynthesis, while the fungal partner absorbs water and minerals from the environment and provides structure and protection for the algae.

Why does mutualism exist between fungus and algae?

Mutualism between fungus and algae, forming lichens, allows both partners to benefit by sharing resources and increasing their overall fitness. The algae perform photosynthesis and provide the fungus with sugars, while the fungus provides a protected environment and absorbs water and nutrients for the algae. This symbiotic relationship enables lichens to thrive in a variety of harsh environments where neither partner could survive alone.

Are fungus algae?


What is common autotrophic component of lichen?

Lichen is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and algae. The algae are the autotrophic component of this partnership. Green algae and cyanobacterium are types of algae commonly found in lichen.