atan is the normal arc-tangent or inverse tangent function. atan2 - available in many programming languages - takes two parameters (arguments) instead of one, that represent the coordinates of a point. If the coordinates are, for example, (5, 3), the calculation is equivalent to atan(5/3). However, if the point is in other quadrants, the function will return an angle in the correct quadrant. For example, for (-5, -3), it will return an angle in the third quadrant.
float2 CartesianToSpherical(float x, float y, float z) { float2 SphericalPos; SphericalPos.x = atan2(x,z)/6.28318f; if(SphericalPos.x < 0.0f) SphericalPos.x += 1.0f; SphericalPos.y = atan2(sqrt(x*x+z*z),y)/3.14159f; return SphericalPos; }
The golden ratio, phi occurs many places in the platonic solids. The dihedral angle on the dodecahedron is 2*atan(phi), and the dihedral angle on the icosahedron is 2*atan(phi2) or 2*atan(phi + 1). The mid radius of the dodecahedron is similarly phi2/2 or (phi + 1)/2, and the mid radius on the icosahedron is phi/2. There are several other measures within Platonic solids which involve phi.
difference between as on and as at
The difference is 2,795.
Directly. Their difference IS the difference between them.
Atan Rud's population is 28.
Adil Atan died in 1989.
Adil Atan was born in 1929.
Atan Burhagohain died in 1679.
Çağdaş Atan was born on 1980-02-29.
Cem Atan was born on 1985-06-30.
Daf-atan means 'all of a sudden'.
noktorato jakoyuter
Achanak, Suddenly.
aviation electronics technician airman
You mean this: const double PI = 4*atan(1); Well, it should be either const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 or double PI = 4*atan(1); /* without const */