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Continuous variation is a variation that is distributable; under a normal curve. Height is an example of this with all heights being along a continuum of heights within populations, at least. This distribution of traits is usually controlled by many alleles in a additive fashion. Polygenic.

Discontinuous variation is of one trait, allele, or the other. Blood groups are an example of this. A, B , O. You can only have two alleles here, so AA and AB and OO and AO, AB etc. are the expressed ( less the recessive O, except homozygous ) traits. These are single variations based on one allele and are not distributable along a continuum.

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Q: What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous genetic variation?
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Is color of flowers an example of continuous variation?

no, as a flower is either for example blue or white, and cannot be something in between, thus its discontinuous variation.

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Discontinuous variation involves distinct, non-overlapping categories or traits with clear boundaries between them, such as blood type or number of limbs. Continuous variation refers to a spectrum of traits that can vary along a continuous scale, such as height or weight, with no defined categories.

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Fingerprints are considered a discontinuous variation because they are distinct and unique to each individual. Discontinuous variations refer to traits that have clear differences between individuals, such as blood type or presence of a certain genetic disorder. In the case of fingerprints, each person's pattern is unique and does not fall along a continuous spectrum like height or weight.

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A continuous variable is a variable for which all possible representations are valid. A discrete variable is a variable for which only some representations are valid. Discontinuous variables apply to data sets where values recorded during particular periods are missing from the set.

What are the types of variations?

Genetic and environmental variations are the two main types of variations. Genetic variation refers to differences in DNA sequences between individuals, while environmental variation is caused by differences in the environment in which individuals live and develop. These variations can influence traits and characteristics in organisms.

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What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous in Bowen's reaction series?

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How does the range of phenotype differ between single-gene traits and polygenic traits?

Single gene traits are either one type or another,for example everyone is either (ABO System) group A,B AB or O with no intermediates - this shows discontinuous variation. In polgyenic traits, continuous variation is shown and there is a range with no discrete categories - height

Variation can be put in two categories?

Variation can be categorized as either continuous or discrete. Continuous variation refers to a range of values that can take any value within a specific range, while discrete variation refers to distinct categories with no values in between.

What is the difference between a variation and a mutation?

mutation is an alteration in the nucleotide sequence of a gene whereas variation is any difference between individuals of a particular species.