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Q: What is the difference between dependent and independent variable in chemistry experiments?
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What are the variables found in all experiments?

independent and dependent variables

Why is yoga an independent variable?

Yoga can be an independent variable in some experiments and a dependent variable in others.

13 What is the relation between dependent and independent variables?

Independent variables are those that you change in an experiment. Dependent variables are the ones that you measure in an experiment. Dependent variables are influenced by the independent variables that you change, so they are dependent upon the independent variable. Generally, experiments should have only one independent variable.

What is mediator in experiments?

The mediator variable explains the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable.

Difference between independent and dependent?

independent variable is the one you control. the dependent variable depends on the indepdendent variable (the results). on the graph independent in on the bottom and dependent is on the side

What are the elements of experiments and what kinds of variables are there?

The elements of experiments include the independent variable (manipulated by the researcher), dependent variable (outcome being measured), control group (not exposed to the independent variable), and experimental group (exposed to the independent variable). Variables can be independent (controlled by the researcher), dependent (measured to see the effect of the independent variable), or extraneous (unintended variables that can affect the results).

What role does independent and dependent variable play in controlled experiments?

The independent variable in an controlled experiment is what you are changing (for example, amount of water or sunlight a plant gets). The dependent variable changes because of the independent variable. Its the outcome of the independent variable.

What is the difference between the independent and dependent variables in the experiment?

Dependent variable is your data, independent variable is what you are testing. Ex. Sunlight would be the independent variable and a plants growth would be the dependent variable.

What is the difference between dependent and independent events in terms of probability?

What is the difference between dependant and independent events in terms of probability

What is the difference of a dependent variable and an independent variable?

An independent variable is when you do not control what happens In an experiment,however; a dependent variable is when you actually control the experiment,

What is the difference from independent and dependent controls?

Independent is where it can be done by itself with no other help. Dependent means it has to depend on other things to make it get done

What is the difference of independent variable and a dependent variable?

An independent variable is when you do not control what happens In an experiment,however; a dependent variable is when you actually control the experiment,