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The dot pitch for a display unit is the distance between individual dots - which may be circular or in the form of an elongated circle (like a running track). Most display units, nowadays, are based on dots of three colours: red, green and blue. A pixel is unit formed by each set of three colours, and a pixel pitch is a measure based on the size of the pixel and the distance between dots of the same colour in adjacent pixels.

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18y ago

Dot pitch is the distance between the pixels on the display. The size of the display equals the number of pixels times the dot pitch. -DJ Craig

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What is the distance between each pixel?

dot pitch

Distance between two pixels is known as?

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What is a pixel pitch sometimes called?

Pixel pitch is sometimes called dot pitch, especially when referring to displays such as monitors or screens. It represents the distance between pixels on a display surface, typically measured in millimeters.

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Each pixel is made of three LED's (RGB) dot pitch is the distance between two near and same color LED.

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it is a dot of light

What is the difference between dot and pixel?

A dot is only a singular quantum while a pixel is actually made up of dots consisting of a red, green, and blue components. By controlling the various combinations and positioning a color picture is generated on the screen or on paper.

An is a dot on the screen that contains a color?

False. A dot on the screen that contains a color is called a "pixel."

What is the difference between dot pitch and resolution?

Dot pitch is the distance between each triad of pixels in a display. Resolution is the number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical dimension. Examples would be a 24 inch monitor with a 1920 x 1080 resolution has a dot pitch of 277 micrometers.

What dot pitch will give you the sharpest picture?

Dot pitch is a measure of the distance between pixels. The smaller the dot pitch, the better the picture.

What does the resolution of a monitor depend on?

The number of pixels that can be displayed The number of bits used to represent each pixel The dot pitch of the monitor

What is the dot on a screen that contains color?

A pixel (from PICture ELement)

The smallest dot on the screen?

The smallest dot on a screen is a pixel