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Gravitational acceleration is simply acceleration due to gravity.

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Q: What is the difference between gravitational acceleration and acceleration?
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Is gravitational pull the same as gravitational acceleration?

No. "Pull" is a force, not an acceleration.

What is the relation connecting acceleration and gravitational force?

The same as the relation between acceleration and any other force. Force = (mass) x (acceleration) If the force happens to be gravitational, then the acceleration is down, and the formula tells you the size of the acceleration. If the acceleration is down and there are no rocket engines strapped to the object, then it's a pretty safe bet that the force is gravitational, and the formula tells you the size of the force.

What is the acceleration of a kg object of the gravitational force pulls downwards on it but the air resistance pushes upward with a force of N?

The acceleration of the object would be less than the acceleration due to gravity as the air resistance provides an opposing force. The net force acting on the object would be the difference between the gravitational force and the air resistance force. The acceleration can be determined using Newton's second law, F = ma.

What is gravitational acceleration equal to?

Gravitational acceleration is equal to approximately 9.81 m/s^2 on the surface of the Earth. It is the acceleration experienced by an object due to gravity pulling it towards the center of the Earth.

Are inertial and gravitational acceleration equal?

No, inertial and gravitational acceleration are not equal. Inertial acceleration is caused by changes in velocity due to forces acting on an object, while gravitational acceleration is caused by the force of gravity on an object due to its mass.

What is the difference between gravitational and wind erosion?

Gravitational erosion is caused by the downward pull of gravity on rocks and soil, leading to mass wasting processes like landslides and rockfalls. Wind erosion, on the other hand, is the movement of soil and sediment by the force of the wind, often resulting in the formation of features like sand dunes.

Does mass and air resistance affect the gravitational attraction between objects?

No, mass and air resistance do not affect the gravitational attraction between objects. Gravity is solely dependent on the masses of the objects and the distance between them. Mass affects the magnitude of the gravitational force, while air resistance is a separate force that opposes the motion of objects through a fluid medium like air.

When acceleration upward or downward direction is taken positivw or negative?

If it is gravitational acceleration then it it is positive in downward and negative in upward direction..if it is not gravitational acceleration then it is depending upon the value of acceleration.

What is the relationship between Issac Newtons first law of motion and gravitational potential energy?

No Gravitational potential energy equals no force and thus no acceleration.

Magnitude of gravitational acceleration on mercury?

The magnitude of the gravitational acceleration on Mercury is approximately 3.7 m/s^2. This is about 38% of the gravitational acceleration on Earth.

Why is it that more massive objects have a greater gravitational force and yet everything on Earth falls with the same acceleration to the Earth?

The force is the product of mass and acceleration thus F= ma, if a is the same for all objects then the gravitational force difference depends on the mass alone.

Can you calculate gravitational acceleration witn only having the time and the mass of the object?

Gravitational acceleration is always g = 9.8