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One dimension is a line. It has length, nothing else. Picture a number line.

Two dimensions is a plane. It has length and width. Picture a graph.

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Q: What is the difference between one dimension two dimensions?
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CM shows a measurement in one dimension. CM2 or square CM is a measurement of area (or two dimensions)

What is single dimension?

One dimension: Length Two dimensions: Length, Width Three dimensions: Length, Width, Height

What is the first dimension?

In its simplest form: a line describes one dimension, a plane describes two dimensions, and a cube describes three dimensions.

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An "other dimension" is a dimension other than the three dimensions of space and one of time that we normally experience.

Point is to line as line is to?

Plane. A point has no dimension, a line has one dimension, and a plane has two dimensions.

What is the difference between one dimensional and two dimensional?

One dimension has only one axis of possibilities. Motion in one dimension is motion on straight line. Two dimensions is motion on a plane. Two axes meet at right angles and extend in both directions. A point can be located anywhere that can be described as two points in this plane.

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You measure the different dimensions and then divide one by the other.

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The four dimensions of Space Time are one real dimension r=ct and three vector dimensions Ix + Jy + Kz. All the dimensions have units of meters. The idea of a dimension of time is an historical artifact.

How many different dimensions are there if you have a volume of 84?

Volume always has three dimensions. Area always has two dimensions. Length always has one dimension. Location has no dimensions.

Are there other dimensioons?

It all depends what you mean by dimensions - for example in geometry a point is said to have zero dimension a figure having length, such as a line has one dimension a plane or surface has two dimensions a figure having volume has three dimensions the fourth dimension is said to be time any other dimension can not be represented visually but may be dealt with mathematically

How many dimensions have been discovered till now?

There are (so far) three dimensions of space, and one dimension of time.