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Saying "positive" means "greater than zero".

Saying "non-negative" is a shortcut to saying "greater than or equal to zero".

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Q: What is the difference between saying a real number is positive and saying a real number is nonnegative?
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Is there a difference between saying that a real number is positive and saying a nonnegative number?

Non-negative includes zero, positive does not.

Is the set of positive integers the same as the nonnegative integers?

No because one will get a positive number and the other will be negative

Does nonnegative numbers means the same thing as positive number?

it doesn't negative so yes DU

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The absolute value of a number is always nonnegative.

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to find the difference between a negative number and a positive number, you do the same thing as you would do for a positive and positive number. You just subtract the smaller number (which would of course be the negative) from the larger number (the positive). example: difference between 7 and -4 7 - (-4) = 11

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An integer is a whole number. Nonnegative mean not negative. A nonnegative integer is a whole number that is not a negative number. For example, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,....

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The difference between two numbers is the result of a subtraction. This can be either positive or negative, depending on which number is greater.

What is the difference between a negative number and a positive number?

Negative numbers are below zero whereas positive are above zero.

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Can the difference between a positive number and a negative number be zero?

No, it cannot. The least possible difference would be 2 (-1 and +1).