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Q: What is the difference between sector and quadrant of a circle in math?
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What is a fourth part of the circumference of a circle?

A quadrant is a sector that equals 1/4 of a circle.

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Is quadrant a sector?

In the context of a circle, yes, but in the context of the plane or of human anatomy, no.

What is Difference between track and sector?

track is a invisible circle on hard disk.and sectors are the segments of these circles.

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What is the relationship between a track and a sector?

track is invisible cirle on hard disk and sector are the segments of these circle

What is the name of the slice of a circle between two lines of radius?

It is a sector

What is the relation between area of a sector and length of an arc of a circle?

There is no direct relation between the area of a sector and the length of an arc. You must know the radius (or diameter) or the angle of the sector at the centre.

The area of a sector is the area of the circle multiplied by the fraction of the circle covered by that sector?

The area of a sector is the area of the circle multiplied by the fraction of the circle covered by that sector. This is a true statement and correct formula.

To find the area of a sector you multiply the area of the circle by the measure of the arc determined by the sector?

Area of sector/Area of circle = Angle of sector/360o Area of sector = (Area of circle*Angle of sector)/360o

Differences between public sector accounting and private sector accounting?

The difference between public sector and private sector is that when you're in the public sector you work for the government whereas private sector is not. Same applies to accounting.