Regression testing is intended to uncover any bug that may have been introduced in the application as a side effect of fixing some other bug. So all the test cases are run. This is different from Unit testing, where we run only unit tests for the unit where we fixed the bug.
Stress testing stresses particular functionality so see where is will break etc. For example a good stress test for MS Word may be to open a file in MS Word and keep writing text to it till it breaks.
regression testing is a white box testng
how can regression model approach be useful in lean construction concept in the mass production of houses
A regression test is a test where a previously known bug is tested for after a change. A retest is simply repeating a test.
in general regression model the dependent variable is continuous and independent variable is discrete type. in genral regression model the variables are linearly related. in logistic regression model the response varaible must be categorical type. the relation ship between the response and explonatory variables is non-linear.
In cases wherethe dependent variable can take any numerical value for a given set of independent variables multiple regression is used.But in cases when the dependent variable is qualitative(dichotomous,polytomous)then logistic regression is used.In Multiple regression the dependent variable is assumed to follow normal distribution but in case of logistic regression the dependent variablefollows bernoulli distribution(if dichotomous) which means it will be only0 or 1.
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ewan q
diferece between ratio and regression
What is the difference between the population and sample regression functions? Is this a distinction without difference?
Computer Science = software ECE = hardware + software + telecommunication
software engineering is the the management of different phases in SDLC to give a quality product. Software manufacturing refers to the whole process from scratch to end.
regression testing is a white box testng
There is a big difference. A software engineer will deal only with the machine language withing a computer network. Networkingengineer is an HARDWARE engineer he will apply the software written language to make sure that the network hardware can follow the written machine language
how can regression model approach be useful in lean construction concept in the mass production of houses
there is a difference
what is difference between accounts and engineering
Retesting means testing the functionality or bug again to ensure the code is fixed. If it is not fixed, defect needs to be re-opened. If fixed, defect is closed. Regression testing means testing your software application when it undergoes a code change to ensure that the new code has not affected other parts of the software.